Dream Park Montessori School is an Islamic Centered citadel of learning ,located in Surulere Lagos State,Nigeria
We live in an ever dynamic society in which you may find that the present day teaching methods have changed from what they used to be in our own days.The teaching strategies are adopted to enable our children attain high standard of behavior and effort. Dream Park Montessori School supports the ethics of partnership as the most effective way of ensuring that the school continually strives to provide education of highest quality within a safe, happy, caring and supporting environment.
The best way to find out what your child is doing in school is to pay us a visit. We will be extremely happy to show you round the school for a feel of the positive learning environment. Our philosophy of education is directed towards the development of the personality, talents, mental and physical abilities of the child to his or her fullest potential.
We work in parternship with variety of services providers to ensure that all the needs of the child are met.
It is not all work no leisure at Dream Park Montessori School. We have well packaged extra- curriculular activities to complement a d enhance classroom experiences and provides pupils with opportunities for personal growth and enrichment.if you are looking for a school that offers sound education,international exposure,spiritual a development,advanced teaching techniques,Serene and conductive learning environment,affordable tuition fees,look no further. Dream Park Montessori School has what you are looking for.
Dream Park Philosophy:
The corner Stone of Dream Park education philosophy is a firm belief in the statement 'Every child is is potentially the light of the world, as well as the cause of it's darkness; therefore, the question of education be accounted as of primary importance.
At Dream Park every effort is made to make every child 'good and smart'.That is good at heart with high moral values, etiquettes ,manners, and smart in thought action and deeds
Thereby,a child becomes 'A Gift of God to mankind and a price of the Human Race.
Six Governing Principles of Dream Park Education.
- A Teacher is a role model and an example
- A School is an extended family
- A School lets Science, Art and Drama refined character and deepen emotion
- A Parent participates in continuous learning about the child and child rearing
- A Parent is a role model and an example for the child
- A Home is a loving and caring environment where the child gets constant positive reinforcement